If you select one of Avid’s Managers and get an error loading the view, these steps will probably fix it.

Please change the view by clicking the name of the view and select another. E.g. if you view is My Contacts, change to All Contacts.

If any of your views load properly, the ones with trouble can be recreated.
If none of your views will load, please contact Avidian Support, below.
Views’ Settings
We can note the settings of the bad view(s) by clicking the name of the view, click Tools and click Manage Views.

Select the bad view and click Edit.

Get screenshots or take notes of the settings in:
Contact Settings (or Company or Record, depending on which Manager you’re in).
Additional Filtering
Sorting. This is less important since it’s easily reset..
Create a Replacement View
Click the name of the view, click Tools and click Create New.
Quick Test:
Enter a View Name.
Set only the values from the Contact Selection.
Click OK and verify that it loads properly.
To the right of the name of the view, click the “Edit this view” button

Update the Columns and filtering and click OK.
If you have any trouble going through the steps or would like help, please call Avidian Prophet Technical Support at 855-284-3426 x2.
You can also send email to [email protected] or create a support ticket here.