Note: If Avid has already been installed by a Windows Administrator, usually your IT, please see the next section to “Convert an Admin installation…”.
You can verify if Avid has ever been installed by checking if C:\Program Files has an “Avidian Technologies” folder.

If there is an Avidian Technologies folder, and the Avid user is not a Windows Administrator, skip to the “Convert…” steps below.
If there is no Avidian Technologies folder, and the user is not a Windows Administrator, you can get the non-Admin installation from the newest Release Notes.
Download “Install Avid (Full) for Non-Admin“, close Outlook and run the file.
Convert an Admin installation to non-Admin
Here are the steps to change your Avid installation if you are not a Windows Administrator.
You’ll need to know your Avid password. Forgot your password?
If you’re still on version 7, have IT run the update to the current Admin installed version.
Then IT will Uninstall Avid as a Windows Administrator.
IT will download the Class ID Cleaner exe that’s attached at the bottom of this KnowledgeBase Article. Unzip it, right-click it and click Run As Administrator. It should show results like this, but probably with different values.
Removed 542 class keys.
Removed 2387 class/CLSID keys.
Be sure the regular non-Windows-Admin login runs the rest of these steps.
Download, save and run the Full Non-Admin Installer. When Outlook opens, go through the end of setup with your email and password.
Run ConfigureProphetClient.exe and restart Outlook. The non-Admin installer puts Avid’s program files in the user’s AppData\Roaming folder.
E.g. C:\Users\[ User’s Windows Login ]\AppData (a hidden folder, just type it in File Explorer )\Roaming\Avidian Technologies
A shortcut is to paste %homepath%\AppData\Roaming\Avidian Technologies\ConfigureProphetClient.exe into File explorer or Start > Search field.
Open Outlook. Click the Avid tab > Settings and click the Rebuild Manager Folders button.
Change to a different Avid Manager folder, and they will load.
If you have any trouble going through the steps or would like help, please call Avidian Prophet Technical Support at 855-284-3426 x2.
You can also send email to [email protected] or create a support ticket here.